Portable oxygen generator: why is a really good option?

Oxygen therapy has been used for many years to improve the quality of life of people with respiratory diseases. But, in its beginnings, the portable oxygen generator that allowed the patient to do this therapy, was an oxygen tank that forced him to stay at home to receive his dose.

Now, with advances in technology, patients can acquire a more comfortable and manipulable portable oxygen generator: an oxygen concentrator. This concentrator has the distinction of being lighter and easier to operate. On this note, the advantages of investing in a portable oxygen concentrator.

But first: ¿How does the oxygen concentrator work?

This oxygen machine works electrically. It separates the oxygen from the ambient air generating a high purity oxygen supplement.

The concentrator uses a filter that has the ability to retain oxygen and expel the rest of the air. Then he moistens it, and finally sends it to the patient. It does it appropriately, according to the requirements of each person. 

In general, it generates oxygen at the rate of 5 liters per minute. In the end, the result is therapeutic oxygen in a near-pure 93% concentration.

So, why is the best option?

Better social life

One of the problems with the oxygen tank was the fact that whoever used it could not leave their home. In general, and depending on the severity of his problem, he had to be inside receiving oxygen therapy.

This not only had a negative impact on the socialization of the person, but could also lead to depression.

With portable oxygen concentrators this is no longer necessary. That is, you can have a normal life, visiting friends or family, traveling and even doing outdoor activities.

Long trips: more comfortable

Needing oxygen, some patients could not make long trips due to the fact that they could not use their tank during their travels. 

With the portable oxygen machine there is no need to worry anymore. It is very easy to carry and can be used anywhere: on the road, in a hotel room, in a restaurant, in any space, when the patient needs it.

Daily life, no worries

Portable oxygen concentrators allow the patient to use their dose of oxygen therapy where they need and want it. They are autonomous devices that can be moved daily. That is, if the patient wants, they can even take them to work, to a party, or to the house of a friend. 

It is cheaper than the oxygen tank

Also, the oxygen concentrator can be cheaper than an oxygen tank. This is because with the concentrator, you have to pay once, but with the tank you have to buy the supply each time it is empty .

With a doctor’s order, anyone can purchase a portable oxygen concentrator. It will only be enough to do some medical check-ups, choose the one that best suits your needs and start using it. The quality of life will surely be much better in the space of a few days.

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