How Your Body Improves Once You Quit Smoking?

Smoking is a health problem that causes health problems, sometimes causing death. It also causes high health and social cost affecting the health system of any country.

One in seven deaths in individuals over 35 years of age is attributed to tobacco use, although a large percentage do not die, they are more likely to do so or to suffer from various types of diseases that worsen their quality of life. Among them we can find:

– Lung cancer.

– Tumors in the mouth, larynx, and esophagus.

– Cancers of the urinary tract.

– Other cancers.

– Arterial hypertension.

 – Stroke and myocardial infarction.

– Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

– Peripheral artery disease.

How does the body react to quitting smoking?

The human body goes through various phases of detoxification that provide greater well-being to the patient as time passes.

When a person goes 12 hours without smoking, the nicotine that circulates in the blood usually disappears, this helps the levels of carbon monoxide to normalize. Although of course, the symptoms of the ‘monkey’ intensify: bad mood, headache, nausea …

After three days of not having nicotine in the body, blood pressure and heart rate are regularized in people with heart disease. The craving for smoking persists and you may not be able to focus even on the simplest activities.

After 7 days, a certain improvement began to be perceived, such as the disappearance of the cough and the symptoms of asphyxia on acute efforts. The anxiety has not gone away, but it is getting less and less.

After two months, the cilia that line the bronchial tree again prevent the entry of germs into the body. Respiratory infections and psychic dependence decrease.

After half a year of not smoking, it is possible to say that the worst moments have passed and circulation and respiratory function are already in good condition.

After one year, the risk of suffering from coronary heart disease is already 50% lower than in smokers and respiratory improvement is more than evident.

After 5 years, the risk of developing cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus and bladder has decreased by half.

After 10 to 15 years the risk of lung cancer is half that of when you smoked, the risk of pancreatic and laryngeal cancer is reduced, the body gives you a respite since you will feel as if you had never smoked. The risk of suffering from heart disease will be equivalent to that of those who have never lit a cigarette.

What Happens to Anxiety After I Quit Smoking?

Nobody said that a detoxification process was easy to carry out, especially if it is an addiction like smoking. When undergoing a process where the intention is to remove nicotine from the body, the latter may undergo some changes, among them it is possible to highlight:

* Increased appetite: the desire to eat is inevitable, the consumption of flour, sugar, coffee helps to deceive the body but this can be avoided if you make sure you follow a diet rich in nutritious foods with low-calorie content.

* Increased anxiety: not having a cigarette can cause nerves, bad mood and anxiety to come to light, the best thing for this is to perform, it is not necessary to forays into a complicated activity, simply by walking for about 30 minutes at a time. day at a good pace is sure to reduce it.

* Increased insomnia: If this begins to be a problem, it is recommended that you go to a specialist so that he can prescribe some medication, but you can also try sports such as Pilates or yoga.

If your intention is to start quitting smoking or you already find yourself in a theory to achieve it, we wish you good luck, encouragement and you will see that your quality of life will improve significantly.

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